ITEC holistic massage course

Massage is a combination of various movements used to manipulate the soft tissues to relax, stimulate and rehabilitate the whole body or part of it.

This course is designed as the first stepping stone on the road to a holistic therapies career. This course covers anatomy and physiology of the body, including the systems of the body, its muscles and bones and also a full body holistic massage routine.

From this course you can continue your career into reflexology, sports massage, Indian head massage treatments, hot stone massage treatments, aromatherapy and more.

ITEC sports massage course

Sports massage is the use of massage for the treatment and prevention of sports injuries and day to day injuries. It can be used as part of a training programme to help prevent injury, as part of a rehabilitation programme to treat injury, as part of a warm-up for an event and as part of the wind-down after the event.

Sports massage like other forms of massage helps improve the suppleness and flexibility of muscles and joints. It improves lymph and blood circulation and assists the body systems in functioning at their optimum level. Sports massage speeds up healing of damaged or overworked tissue, increases fitness capabilities and performance, prevents future injuries by treating weak or problem areas, improves muscle suppleness, flexibility, and mobility.

Sports massage combines classic Swedish massage movements with other more advanced techniques such as lymph drainage, compression, fractioning, neuro-muscular technique, muscle energy technique, soft tissue release and connective tissue release.

ITEC make-up artistry course

Fashion, media, and theatre make-up courses commence in spring 2011 at Anne Tobin Beauty College. For those who already have a qualification in make-up or beauty therapy and wish to further their knowledge and career in the area, this higher level diploma course is an excellent option. A qualification in makeup is required, which can be incorporated into the course.

This course covers fashion/trend and editorial looks, special effects, prosthetics, body art, and film/TV make-up.

The school trainers are highly experienced make-up artists who have worked with the BBC and film companies in England and internationally.


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