Jail on drugs charges

Gary Roche, 28 Ennell Court pleaded guilty at Mullingar District Court to having €700 drugs in the sleeve of a jacket when he was stopped and searched with three other men by Detective Pat Thornton.

The cocaine, weighing 12.547g was in 11 knotted bags.

Detective Thornton told the court that Mr Roche had been given the jacket to bring somewhere and “didn’t really ask a lot of questions”.

He pleaded guilty to a further offence of drink driving at Ennell Court on December 5 this year, when a breath sample returned a result of 61mg alcohol/100ml.

He further pleaded guilty to breaking a window at 106 Hillside Drive on April 24 of last year. When Gardaí arrived at the scene, they saw Mr Roche with a bleeding right hand. Damage worth €220 had not been paid for.

Mr John Quinn said that his client, aged 26, had experienced a difficult upbringing and had undergone a full course at Harristown House. He had been OK until recently but slipped again and his criminal activity was carried out in order to feed his own habit.

“He wants it dealt with and will take what’s coming to him and put his problems and demons behind him,” said Mr Quinn.

Judge Neilan sentenced Mr Roche to 11 months in prison for criminal damage to the window of Lisa Marie Rankin and added an 11 month consecutive sentence for possession of drugs with intent to sell or supply. However he reduced this to a concurrent sentence when Mr Quinn asked that there be some light at the end of the tunnel for his client.

He also imposed a four month sentence for drunk-driving and a two year disqualification and criticised Mr Roche for never thinking it worthwhile to lift the Garda phone and give them information regarding drug suppliers.

“Drug barons hold greater sway over young people than the law of the land,” he added.


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