Councillor to push town council to fund canal restoration

Speaking following the successful historical walk along the canal organised by the Canal Restoration Group last week, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke said he was delighted that so many people took part.

“Apart from the obvious draw that the eminent Dr Harman Murtagh would provide on any occasion, there is genuine and growing public interest in our efforts to refurbish the canal. Dr Murtagh did a fantastic job recounting the role the canal played in Athlone in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Canal Restoration Group would like to thank Harman Murtagh for giving so generously of his time and for putting so much work into the day, it really was a fantastic way to spend an afternoon.”

Cllr O’Rourke, who is chairman of the group, believes that there is a natural public amenity crying out to be rescued. “Our historical walk was another meaningful step towards our goal to raise awareness of our efforts to revitalise our town canal and turn it into a high quality outdoor public amenity, a linear park with proper walkways, planting, play area, seating, lighting, and so on.”

Cllr O’Rourke plans on pushing for the council to allocate funds for the project at next Monday’s Athlone Town Council budget meeting.

It is planned that a feasibility study for the canal will be completed before the summer and the recommendations of this study will set out for the first time since the 1970s the practical option costs for the restoration. “Once published, this report will force the project up the priority list of many of the organisations already mentioned,” Cllr O’Rourke explained.

“The Canal Restoration Group will be organising more events during the new year and will continue working hard to make as many people as possible aware of our efforts in order to harness the kind of public support this project deserves.

“From a derelict, overgrown waterway, the canal will become a key natural piece of recreational infrastructure in this town. What a fantastic gift to give our future generations, a high quality outdoor amenity for the use of our citizens and visitors for many decades to come,” he added.


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