Local Green Party representatives to host public event to address housing issue

The Longford Westmeath Green Party will host a special public event in the Radisson Blu Hotel Athlone on Friday, November 25.

The talk, entitled ‘Building Sustainable Communities in Our Towns’ will be hosted by Athlone-Moate Municipal District councillor, Louise Heavin, and will focus on the need to increase housing supply in a way that adds to the historic towns in the Midlands region.

“The number one issue in Athlone and its immediate environs is housing. Two large housing projects in Athlone have been stalled in recent months. The housing crisis is chronic in the town as it is across Ireland. We will be delivering more housing but how can this be done in the best possible way that provides not just properties alone but community infrastructure, green space, suitable transport systems and a range of housing types and tenures,” Cllr Heavin stated.

Panellists Discussion

Four panellists will discuss the housing issue during the public event.

Bernardine Carroll from the Irish Architecture Foundation is the Engagement curator with the Reimagine Project, a nationwide placemaking programme, working with communities across Ireland to co-create and co-design solutions to problems or opportunities they’ve identified in their locality.

Longford based Conservation Architect, Jane Meade, studied Architecture in UCD, qualifying in 1999. She is a member of the RIAI and an accredited Grade III conservation Architect. She also holds a post-graduate Diploma from Trinity in Construction Law and a Law Degree from UCC. Having worked as an architect in Auckland, NZ and with the City Architects in Cork City, Jane relocated to Longford and established Jane Meade Architects in 2002.

Steven Matthews a Green Party TC from Bray, has worked for years on protecting our natural environment, on climate action, inappropriate development and improving public spaces and public transport in Wicklow. He is the current Green Party spokesperson for Planning and Local Government and the Chairperson of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government & Heritage (including Planning, Biodiversity & Water ).

Minister Malcolm Noonan is a elected TD for Carlow/Kilkenny and is the Minister of State with responsibility for Heritage and Electoral Reform. Last year he launched the Government’s Town Centre First Scheme in Moate and has also seen the increase in grant support for heritage buildings and our National Parks and Wildlife Service.

“’This is a timely event. Athlone is once again set to grow considerably over the coming years. It’s important that growth is well planned and adds to our town centre. I’m very excited about the panel we have put together and I hope some interesting ideas and discussions will come out of it on the night.’ Cllr Heavin concluded.

Anyone interested in attending can register to attend at www.eventbrite.com/e/building-communities-for-our-towns-tickets-472205478297 at or email [email protected].


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