Recruits from 34th Platoon complete military training at Custume Barracks Athlone

Amid the centenary year of the Defence Forces, 27 recruits from the 34th Two-Three Star Platoon completed their military training prior to their formal passing out parade which took place within the surrounds of Custume Barracks in the heart of Athlone.

The 34th Two-Three Star Platoon concluded their recruit training in Custume Barracks on April 29. Comprising of 15 weeks of foot drill, physical fitness and weapons training, it is the foundation of a soldier’s career. Recruit training is designed to produce a physically fit, disciplined and motivated Two Star infantry soldier with basic military skills.

Following the completion of recruit training, the men and women of the 34th 2-3 Star Platoon then commenced the 3 Star course. Lasting 10 weeks, the Three Star course is designed to qualify a Private Two Star soldier to advance in grade to Private Three Star soldier, thus allowing them begin further weapons training and deploy overseas with the Defence Forces.

With soldiers from across the Ireland as well as some from Poland, Scotland, Moldova, Finland, and England, the platoon have a wide range of experience and knowledge that has helped them throughout their training in Custume Barracks.

The soldiers of the 34th Two-THree Star Platoon will join units across the Defence Forces and continue their professional development, honing their skills, thus allowing them to progress in their military careers.


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