€200,000 for Kilmovee pitch development

Mayo Fine Gael TD, John O’Mahony, has said that the news that over €200,000 has been allocated for the development of an astro-turf pitch in Kilmovee will be warmly welcomed by the people of Kilmovee and its environs.

Deputy O’Mahony, a native of the area, said that the Minister for the Environment, Alan Kelly TD, had sanctioned the Mayo North East Leader Partnership to approve the funding of €206, 260 to Kilmovee Community Housing Ltd., to proceed with the project.

“I’m absolutely delighted for the people of Kilmovee that this project has been given the go ahead. Developments such as this can breathe new life into a community and knowing the people of Kilmovee like I do, it can be taken as guaranteed that the local people will row in behind the project and ensure its success,” he said.

He said that the 60m x 40m Astroturf, pitch with associated lighting, fencing, and landscaping, will be situated on a derelict site in the village of Kilmovee. “Funding for the project is being provided under the Village Renewal and Development measure of the Rural Development Programme. Such facilities are critical to the development and maintenance of sustainable rural communities and enhance the social attractiveness of these communities. It’s a great day for Kilmovee and its people,” he said.

The LEADER elements of the programme offer many challenges and opportunities in terms of addressing the needs of improving the quality of life in rural areas and providing greater opportunities for farm diversification. It is focused on the development of micro-enterprises, rural services, rural recreation and rural tourism. It is hoped that, by focusing on these services, the programme will lead to sustainable development, which in turn will ensure prosperity for the rural areas. Deputy O’Mahony concluded by saying that this project will now go back to the Board of Mayo North East Leader Partnership for final approval. This is in line with the EU’s ‘bottom-up’ approach to rural development.”


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