Community Diary

Mayo copd support group meeting

Mayo copd support group meeting on Thursday February 23rd at 3pm in the Tennis club, Castlebar. Speaker is Liam Gildea on the Living well programme.

Balla CRD nominated for Green Award

Balla Community Resource Development has been nominated for 'Green Community Group of the Year' in Mayo County Council's Cathaoirleach Awards 2022. The winners will be announced at an Awards Presentation evening on Tuesday, 2nd March in Breaffy House Hotel.

Ladies Night a Sensory Success

Balla Community Resource Development recently held a very successful Ladies Night in Balla Community Centre which raised €1,110 in aid of the Sensory Garden Project. Attendees on the night enjoyed a clothes swap, market stalls and a fun social occasion.

Adult Yoga Evening Classes

Adult Yoga Classes take place in Balla Community Centre every Tuesday at 7pm. Registration is not necessary, just drop-in.

Nephin Walk/Hike for Hospice

Nephin Begers walking club are having a Night Walk/Hike on Saturday 25th March in aid of Mayo Roscommon hospice commencing from Newport. Sponsorship cards available from Brannan's pub, Hospice shops in Castlebar & Westport and by calling 0949388666. Registration & return of sponsorship cards from 7pm on 25th March at Brannens pub. €50 registration fee for non sponsored participants. All participants are asked to wear boots, waterproof clothing & head lamp. Transport and refreshments provided. Climb can be watched from a viewing platform on St Patricks church Newport. Donations welcome. Please support.

Mayo University Hospital Remembrance Service

Mayo University Hospital (MUH ) invites anyone who has experienced the loss of an infant, baby or pregnancy to come to a remembrance service next week. The service will be held at 7pm on Friday 24 February in St Mary’s Campus, Atlantic Technical University (beside the hospital, F23 X853 ). During this service we will honour the lives of babies who have died in the past three years in particular. Bereaved families are encouraged to attend and join MUH staff in remembering their loved ones. Light refreshments will be served afterwards and parking is available onsite.

Take care on the roads

An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority are continuing a road safety appeal following on from the first St Brigid's Bank Holiday weekend in which one person died in a fatal collision and a further nine collisions took place on Irish roads, that resulted in nine serious and life-threatening injuries. Over the February Bank Holiday period, An Garda Síochána carried out 1,248 checkpoints. 196 persons were arrested for Driving under the Influence (123 Alcohol/ 73 Drugs ). Fixed Charge Offences for other road offences during the period included: Mobile Phones – 216; Learner unaccompanied drivers – 123; Seatbelts – 69. In addition, 460 Vehicles were detained under section 41 of the Road Traffic Act for offences such as Unaccompanied Learner Driver, No Driving Licence, No Insurance and No Tax. During this period, Go-Safe checked the speed of 393,626 vehicles. Notable top speeds detected included on the N6, Baile An Phoill, Gaillimh, Gaillimh -100km/h in a 60 km/h zone and 165 km/h in a 120 km/h zone on the M18, Killeenhugh, Kinvara, Galway. An Garda Síochána continues to appeal to all road users to ‘Stay Safe’ on our roads.

Free collection of electrical waste

South Mayo householders are being urged to bring their electrical and electronic waste to a set of free collection days. The events, hosted by WEEE Ireland in partnership with Mayo County Council, take place on Saturday February 18 at Mayo County Council car park, Cong, from 10am-4pm, and Saturday March 25 at the Station Road car park, Claremorris, from 10am-4pm. Other collection events will take place across the county over the coming weeks, including a collection in Castlebar on Saturday, March 18, at the Pavilion Road car park from 10am-4pm. All household items with a plug or a battery will be accepted free of charge, including old washing machines, TVs, toasters and kettles, electronic tools and toys, cables, IT equipment, mobile phones, remote controls, and watches.

Cruinniú Poiblí - Public Meeting

Beidh cruinniú poiblí maidir le hiarbhunscoil lán-Ghaeilge a bhunú i gCaisleán an Bharraigh ar siúl ar an 22 Feabhra ag a 7i.n. in Ionad Ealaíon Halla an Línéadaigh i gCaisleán an Bharraigh. Tá bunú an Ghaelcholáiste ar cheann de na príomhbhearta sa phlean teanga do Bhaile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta Chaisleán an Bharraigh. Tá fáilte roimh chách ag an gcruinniú. Bígí linn! A public meeting will be held in the Linenhall Arts Centre Castlebar on the 22nd February at 7pm to discuss the establishment of an Irish medium secondary school in Castlebar. The establishment of a gaelcholáiste is one of the main measures set out in the language plan for Gaeltacht Service Town of Castlebar. February 22 at 7pm. All are welcome.

Mayo Stoma Support meeting

Mayo Stoma Support Group will meet on Thursday, February 23 next at 7pm in the Ellison Hotel, Castlebar. Please text JJ on (087 ) 2300580 if attending as numbers are needed for the hotel.

Table Quiz in aid of earthquake appeal

The TF Royal Hotel and Theatre, Castlebar, is hosting a table quiz on Tuesday 21st February in aid of the urgent Turkish & Syrian Earthquake appeal. Organised by Castlebar Lions Club & The TF Royal Hotel and theatre, tickets are priced at €10.00 and table of 4 is €40.00. All support will be appreciated.

Ballyhaunis GAA 50 /50 draw

12/02/2023 - Congratulations to this week's lucky winner, Maureen Corless C/OPaddy Phillips Butcher's, €540.00. Envelope sold in Phillips Butcher's. Next draw in The Corner Bar 19/02/2023 Sunday. Thank you for your support.

Mayo Hospice Walk & Talk Group

The Mayo Hospice Walk and Talk group has resumed and will meet at Lough Lannagh, Castlebar, on the first and third Wednesday of every month. The Walk and Talk group is run by the Mayo Hospice Bereavement Service. It is a group for people who have experienced a bereavement through the hospice service. It provides an opportunity to meet other people, while walking in the fresh air – it’s free, fun and friendly! The walk will be followed by light refreshments. If you have any queries, please contact Senior Medical Social Worker, Christina Canavan on 094 90 05100 (Monday - Thursday ).

Ballinrobe Community Garden

Community gardens aren’t just about gardening. They are also social spaces where people come together in an outside environment. They are places where nature works her magic on us as well as the plants and wildlife that visit and reside in them. Community gardens can help to create friendships, where locals plant, grow and harvest a wide range of fruits and vegetables. The Community Garden in Ballinrobe is located behind the Parish House on the Church Grounds. If you would like to have a bed or to find out more, please contact Tacú on 094 9542908.

Calling on women in Ballinrobe

Would you be interested in joining our Women's Shed in Ballinrobe? This is a space where women can come together at any life stage, engage in a variety of activities with other women in an all female environment. We meet in Tacú on Mondays at 11am. All women are welcome.

St. Patrick’s Day in Ballinrobe

A St Patrick’s Day meeting will be held in Tacu @ 8pm Monday Feb 20th for those willing to get involved in organising this year’s parade. Why not come along & help make a great day in the town. Telephone Monica on 087 4111343

Meals on Wheels in the Lake District

Meals on Wheels covering the Lake District area in Ballinrobe delivers Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays - (soup, dinner & dessert ) and can be delivered short or long term. Please contact Tacú at 087 2347438 for more information.

Pendant Alarms for older people

Pendant Alarms for older people are available from the Tacú centre in Ballinrobe, call 094 9542908.

Thursday night bingo in Bangor Hall

On Thursday, February 23 at 8pm the Bangor Erris hall committee is delighted to be in a position to have bingo in the hall again - and all are invited. The hall (Eircode F26AE80 ) has undergone a major refurbishment project including a new roof and upgrading of Fire alarm and electricals. We now have a warm safe comfortable place to enjoy a night out, with the added bonus of winning some of the fabulous prizes we have on offer. For information on transport from Doohoma, Geesala and Belmullet please call 0872427347.

Community Centre Play

Balla Community Centre welcomes the Ray Leonard Player's Drama Group from Claremorris on Thursday, 23rd February at 8pm for their performance of 'The Kings of Kilburn High Road'. Tickets will be on sale at the door on the night. Please be advised that the performance includes mature content and language.


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