HSE Regional Forum Briefs

The HSE Regional Health Forum took place this week

156 waiting for hip or knee replacements in Mayo

There are a total of 156 patients waiting for either hip or knee replacements in Mayo, the HSE informed Independent councillor Michael Kilcoyne in response to a written question ahead of the HSE Regional Health Forum which took place this week. The councillor asked: "How many people in Mayo are on the waiting list for hip or knee replacements and the number waiting for less than one year, more than one year and more than two years?" In a written response he was informed that 87 people were waiting for 'total arthroplasty of hip unilateral', 60 waiting less than one year, nine between one and two and 18 over two years. He was also informed that 55 people were waiting for 'total arthroplasty of knee unilateral', 28 for less than one year, seven between one and two years and 20 over two years. When it came to 'revision of total arthroplasty of hip' there were 14 people in total waiting in Mayo, four less than one year, three between one and two years and seven more than two years.

20 dentists in Mayo treating people under medical card scheme

There are 20 dentists in Mayo who will treat patients under the medical card scheme, the HSE Regional Health Forum was told this week. Independent councillor Michael Kilcoyne raised the issue in a written submission for the meeting asking about the numbers of dentists providing the service in Mayo and Galway and he was informed there were 20 in Mayo and 30 in Galway.

McLoughlin queries wifi and TV availability in St John's Unit

Fianna Fáil Cllr Martin McLoughlin put forward the following question for the HSE Regional Health Forum which took place this week. "To ask the HSE why at St John’s unit in The Sacred Heart Hospital Castlebar there is no WIFI or TV available for patients/residents and why family are not permitted to provide a TV for their loved ones on the grounds of Covid and Fire Safety Policy. To further ask why family are not permitted to visit loved ones in the unit save for a pre-booked visit to the window. When will this situation be resolved and when will patients/residents be provided with access to WIFI and TV and visitors be allowed into the unit?" Tony Canavan, CEO of the Saolta Hospital Group in a written response to Cllr McLoughlin's question said: "There is WiFi available and we are currently progressing so that patients can get access as part of a national rollout of WiFi access for all patients in acute hospitals. TVs have been installed in St John’s Ward and further TVs are ordered and we are progressing this. The national guidance in relation to access for visitors at acute hospitals is being implemented across all Saolta hospitals including St John’s Ward. Visiting is currently by appointment."


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