Moffatt calls on youth to vote for change

David Moffatt, Labour Party candidate for the Ballina Electoral Area, is appealing to young voters to cast their vote on Friday June 5. “I feel it is very important that the young people of north Mayo take an active part in this Local Election. I am a young person myself and I feel I represent the issues of these people. This Government has bypassed the electorate and has failed to listen to the people on the ground. We as politicians need to address the serious concerns that affect young people in the current recession.

“Unemployment is the single biggest issue on the door steps now and it is not good enough to hope this situation will change soon. We need to find alternatives for these young people and re engage them in the economy and society. It is predicted that in excess of 500,000 people will be unemployed in this country by December. Middle income earners on very modest wages are being hit hardest by this current Government. We the tax payer are mortgaging the future of this country by bailing out the toxic debt in the banking sector. We did not cause this and we should not have to pay for the mistake of a few reckless lenders and speculators!! In the past young voters have not entered the Ballot box and cast their vote now is the time to speak up and vote for change!”


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