Free psoriasis information day

A free psoriasis information day will take place on Tuesday March 22 between 10am and 1pm at Unicare Pharmacy, College Medical Centre, Ballinalee Road, Longford.

With an estimated 2,400 psoriasis patients in Westmeath, locals are being invited to attend to find out more about the treatment options available.

Dermatology nurse Siobhan Murphy will advise patients on the different types of psoriasis, management of the condition, and compliance with treatments.

Many patients ask about the various treatment options available, and about itching and scale. A common problem is that many patients apply cream or ointments on top of the thick scale which renders the treatment less effective.

Although psoriasis is incurable, there are treatments available to manage or even give clearance. Patients are urged to visit their doctor or dermatologist rather than suffer in silence.

To reserve an appointment call (043 ) 3343202. For more information about psoriasis visit where a free iPhone app can be downloaded to help patients manage their condition.


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