Home Instead’s top 10 tips for sound slumber as summer approaches

The clocks went forward by one hour during the recent Easter weekend.

You may have heard people talking about an hour less in bed, but also, the very welcome arrival of longer evenings and eventually summer.

While there is much to look forward to, it’s important to remember the effect that a lack of sleep can have on our bodies, and as we get older the importance of a good night’s sleep becomes even more essential.

That’s why Home Instead, Ireland’s leading home care provider, has put together the below 10 tips to help you improve your own slumber and make sure you consistently get a great night’s sleep.

Stick to a schedule and avoid long naps

Get up at the same time every day. This can help to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm and better your long-term brain health.

Prioritise your sleep and create a sleep hygiene routine

You should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. While it can be tempting to stay up late, it is

important to create a routine and prioritise your brain’s health.

Wake up to natural morning light and avoid daytime or long naps

Expose your eyes to sunlight first thing in the morning to help set your body clock. We are wired to get up early and absorb the rising sun.

Get moving

Exercise is good for the brain, but regular physical activity also promotes good sleep. Movement throughout

Watch what you eat and drink

Tune into your body and notice if certain foods or drinks impact your sleep. Try to avoid caffeine after lunch and eating and drinking three hours before bed to limit late night bathroom breaks. Also be mindful of alcohol intake as it can have a detrimental effect on the body’s sleep cycles.

Mind your medicines

Some prescriptions and over the counter medicines can impact sleep. Talk to your doctor to see if your medication is impacting your sleep. There might be alternatives or different times of day that are best to take them to improve your sleep.

Cool, quiet and dark

These are the ideal sleeping conditions. The best sleeping temperature is between 15 and 19 degrees. Sleep in the dark or wear an eye mask to block out extra light.

Eliminate electronics

The blue light from TVs, phones, tablets, and laptops can stimulate alert centres in the brain which can keep us from sleeping. Make sure to power down electronics before you begin your bedtime routine.

Establish bedtime rituals

30 minutes to an hour before bedtime, start to wind things down. Create a routine that signals to your brain that it’s time for bed. It could be a warm bath, soothing music, essential oils, or cosy nightclothes.

Know the warning signs of poor sleep

Sleep disorder symptoms include persistent trouble falling/staying asleep; frequent snoring; persistent daytime sleepiness; grinding your teeth; waking with a headache or aching jaws. If you experience any of these symptoms, you will want to consult your healthcare provider.

Developing a sleep routine is essential to our overall health and wellbeing, especially our brain health. Toxins are flushed from our brains as we sleep and our body heals tissue. Sleep also helps to consolidate and strengthen memory.


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