Kevin’s ‘Better the Score’ competition continues apace at Athlone Golf Club

This was a quiet enough week on the fairways, there being no open competition and the restaurant closed for annual holidays.

Kevin’s ‘Better The Score’ competition continues apace with the usual hard luck stories and “If only...” abounding.

Trap Door

Because of the seasonal nature of the work, caddies at St Andrews in the 19th century lived in a state of poverty most of the time. Some of them found ingenious ways of earning money. One such caddy was Willie Johnson, known as ‘Trap Door’ who made a fair amount from ‘lost’ golf balls.

Willie pretended that one leg was shorter than the other and had a special boot made which had a hollow sole, large enough to fit the diameter of a golf ball. During a search in the rough or anywhere else, he would work the ball into his hollow boot and declare it lost. The cavity in his boot could hold up to half a dozen golf balls.


Athlone Golf Club extends its deepest sympathy to Rhona Fitzgerald and the Hannon family on the recent death of her father Denis Hannon. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.

Gents 12 holes Stableford Competition

Winner - Michael Keena (22 ) - 31pts; Back 9. Cat. A (0-7 ) - Damien O’Boyle (4 ) - 27 pts; Cat. B (8-15 ) Adrian Sherlock (12 ) - 29 pts; Cat. C (16- 23 ) - Aengus O’Rourke (18 ) - 28 pts; Back 9. Cat. D (24+ ) - Oran Fahey (25 ) - 31 pts.

AWGS Golf Competition

Winner - PJ Martin - 29 pts; (Back 6 )Class 1 - P.Burke - 25 pts; (Back 3 )Class 2 - P. Lennon - 29 pts; Class 3 - PJ Harris - 28 pts; Class 4 - Veterans - 12 Holes E. Fayne 28 pts.

Best wishes to society member Peter Cooke for a speedy recovery.

Ladies 12 Holes Weekly Competition

1st - Annemarie Hynes (29 ) - 24 pts; 2nd - Sylvia McInerney (28 ) - 22 pts.

97 Club 12 Holes Competition

1st - Yvonne Walsh (15 ) - 24 pts; Back 62nd - Cathryn Mannion (17 )- 24 pts; 3rd - Marion O’Shea (52 ) - 23 pts.


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