Ballina Town Council welcomes new monitored CCTV system

There was full throated praise for all those involved in getting the new Garda monitored CCTV system in Ballina finally up and running at the May meeting of the local authority this week. At Tuesday night’s meeting Sgt Mandy Gaynor gave the elected members a full presentation on the system that currently has 18 linked up monitored cameras throughout the town, with four more to come on stream shortly and the possibility to add more later.

The current 18 cameras that have come on stream are located at Kevin Barry Street, Lord Edward Street, McDermott Street, Killala Road, Garden Street, Tone Street (x 2 ), Humbert Street Car Park, Humbert Street (x2 ), The Lower Bridge. Healy Terrace, The Upper Bridge, Tolan Street, Town Centre cross-roads (x2 ), post office, and the Diamond Car Park.

There was special praise given to both Cllr Johnny O’Malley and Cllr Mark Winters, who had been driving forces behind the project, along with Cllr Mary Kelly who assisted in diverting some RAPID funding towards the project. There was also praise given to the local businesses, and groups such as the Chamber of Commerce for their input into the project. A number of councillors thanked the former CEO of Ballina Chamber Sandra Collins for her massive input and effort into this project over the past number of years.

Acting town manager Mr Paul Benson summing up the project said: “Overall this project will cost in the region of €150,000. It will be a great benefit to the town, but it will cost in the region of €10,000 per year to maintain this system to the high standard we want and we have to ensure that this happens.


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