Leenane Mountain Walking Festival 2012

The May Bank Holiday is the annual Mountain Walking Festival in Leenane.

This year is the second year of local arts and crafts exhibition but they are adding a photo exhibition to this. This exhibition is free of charge and will be held in Leenane Community Hall over the whole weekend, opening on Friday May 4 at 7pm with a drumming workshop.

Ann Hodge, curator of prints and drawings in the National Gallery, will also give a talk on William Evans of Eton’s 1838 Watercolours – Connemara before the Famine. The talk will be held in Leenane Hotel at 8.30pm after the opening of the exhibition.

Over the weekend there will also be a sale of work in the local school, a table quiz in aid of the Leenane Day Centre on the Saturday night and BBQ and ceili on Sunday evening.

For more details check out www.leenanevillage.com


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