Get a great night’s sleep with help from hypnosis

Paddy Lavin from Absolute Hypnotherapy outlines how hypnosis can help you combat sleep disturbances.

Sleep is so necessary for the human body to rest, heal, and recharge itself nightly. When we develop sleeping habits we usually follow our circadian rhythm which really is our sleep schedule for going to bed and getting up at regular times. We often awake at that hour every morning with or without an alarm.

Using a regular bedtime routine, where we avoid stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol, and leave our worries and stresses neatly tucked away outside the bed, we have a better chance of a good night’s sleep. When we change our environment like going from the countryside to the city it may be difficult initially to sleep.

Hypnosis is a cousin of sleep and there are many similarities. Sleep begins with a kind of transition to a twilight zone. As sleep goes through its different stages breathing slows down and brain waves become slower and larger. Later on the REM sleep begins where there is obvious rapid eye movement and the brain goes into a more active mode. The large muscles of the body cannot now move and this is also experienced in hypnosis (catalepsy ) as is the REM.

With hypnosis, however, one is always aware of the immediate environment and a person emerges from hypnosis fully refreshed and energised. Like sleep a suitably calm environment is needed to induce hypnosis in therapy and those who experience relaxation before sleep usually make good clients for hypnosis.

Hypnosis can develop strategies for a good sleep routine in the subconscious. This helps to combat insomnia and other sleep disturbances. Good habits produce good results and by developing good habits through hypnosis you can look forward every night to a good sound sleep. Make an appointment with Paddy Lavin on 086 370 9761.


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