Analogue television to be switched off by 2012

Communications Minister Eamon Ryan has announced plans for the transition from analogue to digital television in Ireland, with analogue television to be switched off by the end of 2012. RTÉ will build a €70 million replacement digital service, which is expected to provide full national coverage and will also provide significant coverage throughout Northern Ireland.

The new TV service will be available on both a terrestrial and satellite network. RTÉ is planning on building a terrestrial network which will operate from 51 transmitter sites throughout the country, providing coverage to 98 per cent of the population. For the remaining two per cent, RTÉ plans to develop a new satellite service.

Digital TV will provide access to seven to nine TV channels, including RTÉ, TV3, and TG4, and the national radio channels, and will provide on-screen programme information and a new digital teletext service.

Digital technology is much more efficient than analogue technology. Going digital will free up valuable spectrum in the broadcasting bands, which can be used for mobile, broadband and other services.

“Digital television will offer viewers more channels, more choice, and higher quality television,” Minister Ryan said. The minister also welcomed the fact that “this will bring a huge boost to Ireland’s economic and social development by providing jobs, new services and revenue to the country”.


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