On-line advice for Tourism operators in the West

Web-Check, Fáilte Ireland’s e-Business initiative to support tourism businesses i is holding a free conference in The Clayton Hotel, Galway on Tuesday June next to help local tourism businesses in the West improve their online presence.

The conference will focus on how to improve business performance using the internet and how to bring traditional marketing methods into the online environment. 

Speaking on the upcoming conference, Stephen Dudley, e-Business Manager, Fáilte Ireland emphasised.

“In a world where more than seven out of ten visitors plan their holidays online it is now more important than ever for tourism businesses in the West to be able to generate more business through the internet.

To help them do this, the conference will cover a number of current e-business topics specifically tailored so that they can be easily applied to the small and medium sized tourism business such as, understanding what’s best practice when you’re designing a tourism website as well as how tourism businesses can market themselves effectively online and make the most of social media to generate new business.”

A number of leading online experts will be there to present and advise tourism businesses on the day including Ciaran Quilty from Facebook who will discuss the benefits of setting up a Facebook page; Ian Cleary of Razor Coast will focus on helping businesses grow their business through social media and Roisin Morgan from Google will outline how Google Tools can benefit online potential.  

Anyone wishing to attend the conference can book their place online at www.iia.ie/failteireland or by contacting the WebCheck e-Business Support Team at [email protected] or calling 1850 256 256a


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