Chambers vows to be a driving force for political reform

The Fianna Fáil plan for political reform will make the entire political system more efficient, more transparent, and more focused, according to Fianna Fáil election candidate Lisa Chambers. The Mayo candidate is vowing to be a driving force for change within the political system, as outlined in the Fianna Fáil election manifesto this week.

“As a completely new voice in politics, reform of the political system is a top priority for me. I am committed to driving the radical agenda for political change set out in our manifesto today. This is a real plan for real change, unlike the mix of stunts, meaningless sound-bites and empty promises being offered by Fine Gael, Labour and Sinn Féin.

“Fianna Fáil is going back to its roots as a radical reforming party. This is the Fianna Fáil I have always believed in. In returning to that tradition of fundamental reform which was central to our programme when we were founded we can help bring about a new beginning in Irish politics by changing the way our political system and government works.”

Ms Chambers continued: “We have learnt the lessons of the past two decades and have set out a reform plan which is more radical and fundamental than anything being proposed by the other parties.

“Fianna Fáil’s manifesto promises a parliament with a direct link to citizens as well as a focus on national issues and government which draws on the best expertise in the country.

“As Micheál Martin has said, a parliament which only discusses bank regulation seriously when the system is about to collapse is a parliament which has serious problems. The people of Ireland deserve better and the people of Mayo deserve better. That is why I am committed to driving our agenda which also includes proposals for a citizens’ assembly and the banning of corporate donations.”


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