Funding approved for Ballinrobe Youth Centre

The proposed new Ballinrobe Youth Centre has been approved for €120,000 in government funding, Beverley Flynn TD has confirmed.

The grant, through central lottery funding, will be a huge boost for the project which is being undertaken by TACU, the Ballinrobe Family Resource Centre.

“I am delighted to confirm the approval of this very substantial funding which I have been pressing for with the Department of Health and Children for some time,” Deputy Flynn said.

She added that the grant will provide the major funding for the youth centre, which will be located on the old Maple Ballroom site which Mayo County Council has donated to the local community.

“I am well aware of the urgent need for youth facilities in Ballinrobe and the Lake District area, and am very pleased that the way is now clear for the project to proceed. The local community has put a lot of time and effort into the provision of the youth club, and they deserve to see the dream become a reality,” she said.


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