Search Results for 'online application process'

10 results found.

Gaelic games associations committed to Go Games to give each child a go

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The GAA, the Camogie Association and Ladies Gaelic Football Association has launched the updated Go Games Policy as a reaffirmation of the collective commitment to nurture a passion for gaelic games in young boys and girls and to do this through a positive coaching environment of inclusion ensuring every child has an opportunity to learn and develop their skills.

Westmeath Sports Partnership launch annual Volunteer Support Programme

Westmeath Sports Partnership has announced the launch of the Volunteer Support Programme 2023.

Westmeath County Council announce new community grants and awards scheme

Westmeath County Council is now inviting applications for the following Grants - Community Action Grant; Tidy Towns Grant and the Residents Associations Grant.

Don’t ruin your holidays with passport issues, says Grealish

G realish warns Galway families not to have their holiday plans ruined by simple passport application issues which cause unnecessary delays.

Getting the counters to count Mayo

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The Central Statistics Office (CSO) needs to hire 168 Census Enumerators to deliver and collect census forms to and from every home in Mayo next year.

Local authority extend closing date for community funding applications

Westmeath County Council have extended the closing date for community funding applications to Friday the 21st May 2021 for the following Grants.

Apply for your CAO registration number today

For the 70,000-plus potential applicants to the CAO this coming year, and particularly for the almost 50,000 Leaving Certs, who are currently considering their application, the uncertainty created by the closure of all schools and colleges has given rise to much anxiety, stress, and uncertainty.

Galway International Arts Festival seeks volunteers

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Galway International Arts Festival is currently recruiting dedicated volunteers for their 2019 programme of events.

Local clubs urged to apply for Sports Capital funding

Sports Capital Programme funding of €30million has been made available to sports clubs and associations in order to develop sports infrastructure around the country. It is expected that the online application process will be open from January 23 to February 24, 2017.


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