Search Results for 'Town Council'

127 results found.

Ballina Councillors welcome work done on North Mayo tourism promotion

The elected members of the Ballina Municipal District were given a presentation this week on the progress made by in the promotion of the Mayo North area as a tourist destination.

Zoned parking charges could come to Ballina

The issue of parking and seeing a turnover of car-parking spaces in the town centre is something that has been a topic of most major towns in recent times. Ballina Town Council has decided to implement a zoned parking system with three different parking zones with different pricing structures for each zone.

Zoned parking charges could come to Ballina

The issue of parking and seeing a turnover of car-parking spaces in the town centre is something that has been a topic of most major towns in recent times. Ballina Town Council has decided to implement a zoned parking system with three different parking zones with different pricing structures for each zone.

Town council to install carbon monoxide alarms

Castlebar Town Council is to install carbon monoxide alarms in all of its properties.

Local authority finances to the fore next week

It is going to be a busy few days for the county councillors and town councillors across Mayo next week as Mayo County Council and the three town councils sit down to thrash out their budgets for the coming year. For businesses across the county the news that none of the four local authorities is looking for a increase in the commercial rate it levies will be welcome news as they head into the next year, with Castlebar Town Council actually proposing to cut its rate.

Mullingar Town Council impending abolition raises members’ ire

A local councillor has criticised the Government’s policy of continued recentralisation and called it an “absolute joke”.

Luan Fest - a new festival experience

Athlone Town Council will host a festival from Saturday August 10 to Sunday August 18 called Luan Fest. The programme is packed with a diverse range of activities and events for all ages and interests to enjoy.

Man still being questioned in Castlebar double murder probe

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Gardaí investigating the murder of two brothers in their home on New Antrim Street in the early hours of Wednesday morning continued questioning a 26-year-old man yesterday evening (Thursday). At the time of going to print the man had not been charged but was being detained at Castlebar Garda Station under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act where he could be questioned for up to 24 hours. It is believed he has lived in Ballina and and more recently in Castlebar and is known to the gardaí and the psychiatric services.

Castlebar Town Council is owed over €1.2 million in rates from last year

The unaudited annual financial statement of Castlebar Town Council to the end of 2012 was down for approval at last night’s meeting of the council. The statement showed that at the end of December last year that the town council had collected €2,780,456 in commercial rates. This figure represented 69 per cent of the total of €4,136,597 that was due for collection, with €1,266,141 owed in arrears to the town council. The council at the start of 2012 had an arrears of €1,064,081 owed to it and expected collection of €4,058,517 for the year ahead, with the council writing off €986,001 over the year leaving €4,136,597 to be collected during 2012.

Ballina Town Council approves €20k funding for Ballina Chamber

At the May meeting of Ballina Town Council the elected members agreed to give €20,000 funding to Ballina Chamber of Commerce for the projects. The funding will be split equally over four different projects, the tourist office, the Halloween festival, the Christmas festival, and for promotions of Ballina. There was full backing from all the members of the council for the work being carried out by the chamber on these projects, in particular the tourist office, which all nine elected members said had been a huge success since the chamber took over the running of it.


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