Search Results for 'Bishop'

358 results found.

First lady elected dean of St Canice’s cathedral

For the first time in the history of St Canice’s Cathedral a woman has been elected as the dean of the Church of Ireland Cathedral in Kilkenny.

New Pastoral Council structure established for Ossory Diocese

A new locally based pastoral council structure has been established in the Diocese of Ossory. This new development resulted from a major review of the Ossory Diocesan Forum which saw the need for a more decentralised and locally based structure.

The Tulip of Tuam and other flowers

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Many years ago I found the courage to ask the late Lady Molly Cusack -Smith whether she had posed nude for the famous artist Augustus John during his many sorties into Galway and the west. She looked at me very hard for some time. Then said in a very cross voice: “How dare you, HOW DARE YOU ask such a impertinent question!”

Saving old buildings with new ideas

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When it comes to planning applications in Galway, whether it is for a new building, or the renovation of an old building, modernisation or improvement, there are two strands of thought that can affect the decision from the local authority. I may not have all the technical jargon, but I understand that one side of the argument insists that pretty well every building that is a few generations old should be preserved. Any additional building must use the same or similar materials so that the addition appears to be a seamless add on.

Poor Clares hold public celebration to mark completion of newly refurbished extern convent

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The Poor Clares sisters will mark their return to their newly refurbished extern convent this weekend with a public celebration.

Bishop Drennan to meet Pope in Rome showdown

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DEFIANT Bishop of Galway Dr Martin Drennan, who has refused to bow to calls for his resignation after his name was mentioned in The Murphy report into the handling of child abuse in the Dublin archdiocese, is to speak face to face with Pope Benedict in the Vatican next month as the pontiff draws up a response to the Irish abuse scandal.

Thousands attend Poor Clare weekend celebration

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Thousands of people attended a public celebration and blessing to mark the completion of the newly refurbished reception area of the Poor Clare convent at the weekend.

Val Hanley wants to know if you’ve got talent

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The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland, in conjunction with Smithwicks, is giving the Irish public the chance to showcase their talent in the Stars Of Our Bars pub talent competition.


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