Search Results for 'Mexico'

133 results found.

Three teens journey into the unknown

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THREE GUATEMALAN teens Juan, Sara, Samuel, and Chauk, a Tzotzil Indian, attempt to trek 1,200 miles into the USA, via Mexico in search of a better life.

Budget 2015

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Following Ireland’s exit from the EU/IMF recovery programme and in the context of projected GDP growth of 4.7 per cent for 2014 and 3.9 per cent for 2015, Ministers Noonan and Howlin announced their budgetary measures for 2015 which have been set out below. More detail will be included in the Finance Bill to be published later this month.

Mexican food — it's so hot right now

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There is something spicy happening in Galway. Mexican food, one of the biggest food trends of recent years, has gone mainstream, and Galwegians are going loco for it.

Life and how it is lived - on screen

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DANGEROUS JOURNEYS, complicated love lives, actors dragged out of retirement, and finding a supernanny for a naughty little boy - it is all happening on screen for the Galway Film Society’s autumn/winter season.

Lallys to begin 30,000 mile journey home to Galway

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An Irish couple and their three children will next week begin an incredible 30,000 mile journey, travelling through four continents over the course of a year to eventually set up home in Galway.

Westmeath to host week-long FAI footy fest

The county will become the centre of Irish football next week when the Football Association of Ireland hosts a festival of football and its AGM in the county.

Britain's Got Talent winner Paul Potts announces Mayo date

Paul Potts, the tenor who shot to prominence in 2007 with his surprise pitch perfect rendition of Puccini's famous ‘Nessun Dorma’ on Britain's Got Talent, has added a Mayo date to his Irish tour.

Britain's Got Talent winner Paul Potts announces Mayo date

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Paul Potts, the tenor who shot to prominence in 2007 with his surprise pitch perfect rendition of Puccini's famous Nessun Dorma on Britain's Got Talent, has added a Mayo date to his Irish tour.

Packie Bonner returns to launch Galway Cup

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Former Irish goalkeeper Packie Bonner launched the 10th Galway Cup at a reception in the Aula Maxima NUIG this week.

Conamara seaweed company sold to Canadian industry leader

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A Canadian company has purchased Conamara seaweed company Arramara Teoranta.


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