Search Results for 'Local Government'

345 results found.

Ring welcomes progress in Tubberhill Housing Project

Michael Ring, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, has welcomed the confirmation from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government that Mayo County Council has been given permission to proceed with detailed design and tender documentation for the proposed housing project at Tubberhill, Westport.

Crime in the Country

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“There is no doubt that people are our biggest resource in both crime prevention and crime detection, and this will always be the case. They are the ones travelling the highroads and byroads of the county every day. Gardai can not be everywhere, we rely on the public to be our eyes and ears. The more support we get from the public, the more crime will reduce.’’

Community input sought for Local Development Strategy

Planning is now underway for the LEADER element of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020. It is expected that by January 2016, the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government will decide on who will deliver the new LEADER programme in Mayo.

Iorras Le Chéile Community Development Project set to close in Belmullet

Iorras Le Chéile Community Development Project on Main Street, Belmullet, is set to close after 13 years in operation in the Erris area. Four employees and two Rural Social Scheme workers have been served 30 days' notice. The project is managed by a local voluntary management committee with core funding from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.

Galwegians must utilise chance to have their say

A significant step in reviewing local government in Galway - that could see a merger between Galway city and county councils  - has been taken with the completion of a report  into various options to deliver high quality services in our area.


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