Galway in top 60 cities worldwide for congestion

While Galway is always welcoming recognition on a global scale, it has made a world list that may not be to our liking.

The list shows that Galway faces traffic congestion levels comparable to major global metropolises. According to the 2024 Global Traffic Scoreboard by Inrix, Galway ranks 56th worldwide in congestion, a striking position for a city of its size.

The report also placed Galway 9th among European cities with the highest traffic delay times. In 2024, drivers in the Town of the Tribes spent 67 hours stuck in traffic, a slight improvement of 8% from 2023.

Galway shares the European list with cities like London, which topped the chart with 101 hours, followed by Paris (97 hours ), Dublin (81 hours ), Brussels (74 hours ), and Rome (71 hours ). Other notable entries include Warsaw (70 hours ), Bath (68 hours ), Ljubljana (67 hours ), and Bristol (65 hours ).

Among Irish cities, Galway is the second most congested, with Dublin ranking 15th globally and 3rd in Europe. In Dublin, drivers lost 81 hours to traffic in 2024, marking a 13% increase from the previous year.

This data was provided by Inrix, a US-based company specializing in mobility analytics and connected car services. Their annual Global Traffic Scoreboard evaluates congestion by measuring delays during commutes to employment centers and residential areas, adjusting results to reflect population size.


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