Minister Lynch confirms funding for Midlands palliative care consultant

Local TD Gabrielle McFadden has welcomed confirmation from Minister of State at the Department of Health, Kathleen Lynch, yesterday that the HSE is to provide funding for a second palliative care consultant for the Midlands.

To be based at the Midland Regional Hospital in Mullingar, the consultant will be covering the Longford/ Westmeath area, and will work closely with the existing palliative care consultant for the Midlands.

“Following on from the HSE’s announcement late last year that it is to create a second palliative care consultant post for the region, I welcome Minister Lynch’s confirmation today that the funding is now in place for the position,” said Deputy McFadden.

“Minister Lynch outlined in the Dáil [on Wednesday] that the paperwork to fill the new post had been sent to the HSE’s National Recruitment Service in Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, and she envisaged the recruitment process would commence as soon as possible.

“Of course, as the Minister also said, the provision of a specialist palliative care in-patient unit remains a priority for the Midlands. She informed the Dáil that Minister Varadkar met with a delegation from the Irish Hospice Foundation on February 26 and among the issues discussed was the need for a comprehensive service plan for palliative care in this region.”


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