Galway Cycle to pass through Athlone and Moate

A large convoy of cyclists and supporting vehicles will pass through the area twice this weekend. The group, Maynooth Students for Charity, will be taking part in the annual Galway Cycle.

It’s the 27th time the event, which has raised in excess of €1 million for good causes such as Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation, Headstrong, and Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland, will take place. This year’s cycle is in aid of the Prader Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland.

At 6.30am on Friday morning, March 28, 250 cyclists will leave the campus of NUI Maynooth, turn right, and head for Galway.

They aim to arrive in Moate at approximately 10.30am that morning, stopping for a quick bite to eat, and should make their way along the Athlone bypass around noon. All going well, they will arrive into Eyre Square at approximately 5.30pm that evening.

On Sunday, they will make the return trip, so expect to see them on the bypass at approximately 1-1.30pm. The convoy is approximately a kilometre and a half long and is marshalled by Gardaí.

Prader Willi Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects approximately 100 people in Ireland.

It is characterised by a chronic feeling of hunger, low muscle tone, and delayed development amongst infants and children. It is so rare that parents often need to educate doctors and other medical professionals about it. There is a distinct lack of appropriate information available to both parents and medical professionals.

The Galway Cycle is hoping to raise greater awareness of the condition, funding information packs for new parents and all those who work with people with Prader Willi. PWSAI was established by and is run entirely by the parents and families of people with Prader Willi Syndrome on an entirely voluntary basis.

For more information see and


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