Hogan secures increase in RAPID funding

Led by calls from Cllr Paul Hogan, councillors voted to triple the council’s allocation towards RAPID projects, as they considered the town’s budget for 2013.

While the council had proposed to allocate €10,000 towards the RAPID programme in the town, which targets disadvantaged areas, Cllr Hogan suggested the amount be increased to €30,000.

The sum of €10,000 had been allocated for RAPID projects for 2013, as it was the estimated amount spent last year out of an allocation of €35,000.

However Cllr Hogan said last year’s full amount hadn’t been spent due to a “change in personnel”, but that the RAPID coordinator has “a list as long as her arm” of deserving projects.

“RAPID funding caters for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people. There is a myth that we provide the funding just to get matched funding from the Government. But there is always work that needs to go ahead - if we put €35,000 in the budget, we could spend €35,000. I propose that last year’s figure be reinstated for this year,” he suggested.

Cllr Hogan was supported in this by Cllrs Kieran Molloy, Gabrielle McFadden, and Mark Cooney.

The council’s director of services Barry Kehoe said that a lot of good work has been done under the RAPID programme, including the provision of playgrounds and recreation and sports facilities.

“We could spend any amount of money on RAPID areas, and we do spend money; good facilities have been provided and those areas are well served without €35,000. But if members want to spend more we can certainly have a look and come up with suggestions,” he said.

After hearing the details of the budget, councillors requested an adjournment while they rearranged some of the figures to allow the extra €20,000 allocation for RAPID.

They also proposed an increase in €4,000 in funding for Athlone Little Theatre.

The additional €24,000 was found from a variety of sources, including a reduction in members’ conference expenses of €10,000, a reduction in funding for a waterfront study by €5,000, a decrease in spending on the European Festival of €2,500, a projected increase of €5,000 in income from the NPPR (Non Principal Private Residence ) charge, and an increase in marina income of €1,500.


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