Westmeath journalist receives grant to report on development issues

A Westmeath journalist has been awarded funding under a prestigious media fund, run by Irish Aid, the Government’s programme of assistance to developing countries.

Manchán Magan, from Collinstown, was awarded funds to travel to Ghana, Togo, and Benin to focus on a number of community tourism projects in West Africa.

The Simon Cumbers Media Fund, which has provided the support for this project, was established by Irish Aid in memory of Irish journalist Simon Cumbers, who was killed in Saudi Arabia while working with the BBC in 2004. The aim of the fund is to broaden and deepen coverage of global development issues in the Irish media.

Under the fund, journalists are invited to submit proposals for coverage of a development issue, which will involve travel to a developing country. Two funding rounds - one in summer and one in winter - are held each year. A total of 30 project proposals were received for the 2012 winter round. After a thorough deliberation by a panel of independent, expert judges, 15 applicants were successful in securing funding.

Following the announcement of successful applicants, Minister of State for Trade and Development, Joe Costello said, “The media plays a crucial role in promoting public understanding of global issues. Coverage of developing countries tends to focus on news of conflict, of humanitarian disaster, and of corruption. But there are also many positive stories to tell.

“The Simon Cumbers Media Fund provides an opportunity for journalists to travel to the developing countries and spend time talking to the people on the ground. With projects like that proposed by Manchán, the Irish media - and, indeed, the Irish public - have an opportunity to better understand the challenges communities in developing countries face; their hopes and plans, and progress being made. I wish Manchán every success with his project.”

In spring 2013, Manchán will travel to Ghana, Togo, and Benin to complete a series of articles and radio items which will focus on a number of community tourism projects in West Africa.

Further information and a list of previous projects funded under the Simon Cumbers Media Fund are available at www.simoncumbersmediafund.ie


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