Prime parcel of dry land located a short distance from Glasson village

Portlick, Glasson,


County Westmeath

Price - €149,000


This single flat parcel of high dry pasture land measuring 9.5 acres at Portlick, Athlone is close to Lough Ree, Portlick Castle, Portlick amenity area and a short distance to Glasson village.

Strategically placed in a corner position between two roads with 550m of road frontage on both roads, the land is fully and very well fenced with stock-proof fencing and has mains and well water available along with electricity on the land.

The land is flat, well drained and is of excellent quality farmland and has potential for development for one residence subject to PP.


Top quality land; well fenced; well drained; mains water; extensive road frontage; development potential; cattle crush; close to Lough Ree.

For further information contact Dermot O’Meara 086-2551082, Sherry FitzGerald O’Meara, 32 Mardyke Street, Athlone. Email: [email protected].


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