Support for TEAM to continue providing essential frontline service

Local Minister of State, Deputy Robert Troy, has welcomed the recent announcement that TEAM (Temporary Emergency Accommodation Midlands ) will benefit from €35,000 in Covid stability funding.

The fund was established by the Department of Social protection to assist groups engaged in frontline services who have not been able to engage in any fundraising activity and have been hit by short term cash flow issues as a result of the pandemic.

“I am thrilled that TEAM are receiving this much needed support which will significantly help in maintaining this essential service for the Midlands,” Minister Troy said. “I know that TEAM have had their income and fundraising possibilities severely curtailed and it is hugely important that we do everything possible to support them, and those who are forced to avail of the service.

“Community and voluntary projects have been a crucial element of Ireland’s emergency response to the pandemic. In communities throughout Ireland these projects have maximised their local connections and knowledge to ensure that the most vulnerable and those most in need of support throughout the pandemic have been looked after. It has been a tough year for all groups in the sector and I trust that the funding announced today will help further strengthen these vitally important projects.

“The community and voluntary sector has always been critical to the sustainable development of our communities and will continue to be so into the future. This funding is a recognition of the extra difficulties faced by those organisations during the extreme circumstances of the pandemic.

“It is my hope that funding will allow these organisations to continue this valuable support as we all work towards a social and economic recovery and I am very happy to be able to support these organisations in such a way.”

The Covid-19 Stability Fund for community and voluntary organisations, charities, and social enterprises was developed to provide support to qualifying organisations who find themselves in particular difficulty and have seen their trading and/or fundraising income drop significantly during the crisis.

The 2021 iteration of the Stability Fund builds on the 2020 scheme, which saw €42m of Dormant Accounts Funding provided to qualifying organisations to support them in dealing with the challenges in income generation brought by social restrictions to counter the spread of Covid-19.

The fund focused on organisations providing supports and services to not-for-profit organisations in a broad range of sectors, including:

• Health and social care (including addiction, disability, and mental health ).

• Child and family services (including counselling/therapies ).

• Domestic/sexual/gender based violence.

• Housing/homelessness.

• Community services (eg, meals on wheels, befriending services, old age supports, vulnerable people’s support groups, etc ).

• Community education sector.

Organisations were required to demonstrate the impact that the crisis has had on their services, significant financial losses, and delivery of vital supports to vulnerable communities. Applications are being assessed and announced in tranches to facilitate timely drawdowns by successful groups and to allow for engagement with any organisations where further information may be required.

Pobal, which works on behalf of Government to support communities and local agencies towards achieving social inclusion and development, administers the Stability Fund on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development. This funding is being provided through €10m in Exchequer funding, and €3m Dormant Accounts Funding from a small underspend of the €45m available under the 2020 scheme.


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