Intervention needed at Temple Spa Accommodation Centre

Fianna Fáil TD for Westmeath, Deputy Robert Troy, has written to the Minister for Justice regarding the health and safety concerns of residents living in the Temple Spa Accommodation Centre in Horseleap.

“I’ve been informed that following extensive testing of the residents at Temple Spa Accommodation Centre, ten residents have tested positive for COVID-19 and up to 20 residents have been placed in isolation.

“Concerns have also been raised with regard to how the centre is working to ensure the virus is contained and does not spread to the surrounding communities of Horseleap and Streamstown.

“Given that there are a number of residents sharing rooms it would have made sense for those isolating to be moved to a local hotel, to stay in single rooms, for the duration of their infectious period.

“Other issues have been raised with me concerning the food deliveries and the quality of food which is being given to residents. Times are difficult for everyone but even more so for those in direct provision. They should at least be able to depend on nutritious meals.

“Having spoken to officials in the centre there is a serious need for a deep clean of the centre to be carried out. I believe a common sense approach would see the infected and isolating residents moved to single room accommodation elsewhere in the vicinity and given the proper care they need. A deep clean should then take place with the remaining residents spaced out as much as physically possible,” Deputy Troy asserted.

Wedding occasions clarity

Meanwhile, the Fiann Fáil Deputy has called upon the Government to give greater clarity to couples who are planning their weddings.

Deputy Troy, who is recently engaged and currently planning his own wedding, said there needs to be greater guidance on what constitutes a large or small wedding and what social distancing restrictions will be required.

His calls come as the Government have directed that small weddings will be permitted in phase four and larger weddings in phase five of the plan to ease restrictions.

“Thousands of people have signed a petition pleading for greater clarity as to what constitutes a small or large wedding.

“Someone getting married in ten weeks needs to know if the wedding they had planned can go ahead as initially imagined or if they need to make important decisions on curtailing numbers attending.

“They also need to know what is meant by a period of time where social distancing can be maintained. Does this mean the wedding can last for a couple of hours, an afternoon or longer?

“Wedding suppliers and venues all across Ireland are doing their best to meet the needs of their customers but they too are flying blind. They don’t know what the rules are, they don’t know how many guests they are allowed to cater too or how many they can have at a table or if their opening hours are the same as before.

“We know the roadmap is not set in stone and it will of course be set by the best public health advice. I think people are very understanding in this regard, but huge disruption is being caused to their lives and any kind of clarity at this point would be better than none,” Deputy Troy commented.


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