Local Minister of State notes Athlone Flood Alleviation Scheme progress

Mr. Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran, Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW ) and Flood Relief, has welcomed progress on works on all eight cells being progressed as part of the €12 million Athlone Flood Alleviation Scheme.

“I am delighted to acknowledge the progress to date of works on all of the locations which form part of Athlone Flood Alleviation Scheme. Despite high water levels over the winter period, the significant flooding event earlier this year, and the current restrictions in place due to COVID-19, we have already seen the protection provided by elements of the scheme which have been completed.

“Areas where sheet piling has been installed have seen a dramatic improvement in flood protection, and recently fitted flood gates at a number of locations are working as intended. Several more are to follow, and each completed element of each cell further reduces the risk to homes and businesses.”

“It is a credit to all of those involved with the project to be making such progress and I wish to thank Westmeath County Council, the consultants RPS and the staff of the OPW for their continuing commitment and effort in implementing this Scheme.”

Cells Progress

Deerpark – Embankment works postponed due to current restrictions. Proposed Sheet piling to be installed along Deerpark Road and Bastion southern section, which will be advertised this week. The introduction of this piled solution will speed up the completion of this element of the project. Anticipated completion date is estimated at end of 2021.

A pumped foul sewer fractured in the Showgrounds is being repaired by WCC.

The Strand – Griffith Street section of floodwall defence along with temporary reinstatement works involving paths and soft landscaping. near completion. Investigative slit trenches ongoing at The Strand. Second phase of ESB diversion works commenced in early February 2020, complex work. Two floodgates installed.

The Quay – 95 percent of RC wall now complete on the Quays. Drainage works complete up to Athlone castle. Masonry cladding completed. Works on Wall 11 and Wall 9 are now complete. Four flood gates installed. Anticipated completion by late 2020.

Brick Island – 95 percent of Reinstatement works completed Two flood gates installed. Anticipated completion by mid-2020, but may be affect by Covid 19 situation.

Marine View – Marine View enabling works for safe access at the river section completed with floodwall defences in progress. Seventy percent of embankment works in Wansboro Park completed. Anticipated completion by end of 2021.

Iona Park – All works completed

River Al(Creggan ) - Westmeath County Council preparing this cell for Planning. First public consultation event has taken place.

Golden Island – Detailed design ongoing with a view to commencing later in 2020


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