Caring for your family pets during COVID-I9

The ISPCA would like to reassure pet owners that there is no evidence that pets such as dogs or cats can catch or spread the coronavirus and is also the position held by the HSE, OIE and WSAVA.

According to experts, COVID-19 cannot be transmitted from human to animal or vice versa. If your pet is touched by someone with the coronavirus then there is the potential that it can be spread, should someone else come into contact with your pet but the risk of this is extremely low, as transmission needs prolonged contact or exposure, a fleeting contact such as someone patting your dog will not pose a risk. This is the same way as touching any infected person or surface so please take precautions with good hygiene practices.

ISPCA Tips and Advice

When out walking your dog, you should ensure they are kept on a short lead and under control at all times.

Restrict contact with other people and animals and adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Continue to exercise and play with your pets to alleviate stress in the confines of your garden.

There is also plenty of ways to keep your pets entertained such as putting their favourite treats in a Kong pet toy or by using food puzzle toys or by play fetch or tug-of-war with their favourite toy.

This is a good time to teach your pets some new tricks. We would love to see your cute animal photos or videos.

Avoid sharing your food or being kissed or licked by your pet and always wash your hands.

It’s important to you have sufficient pet food, prescribed medication or other essentials such as cat litter during self-isolation.

Plan ahead in the event you need help caring for your pets short or long term.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, ISPCA centres are temporarily closed to the public as a precautionary measure.

For more information about the ISPCA, please visit


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