LEO Westmeath helping your business in response to persistent COVID-19 crisis

If your business is being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, your Local Enterprise Office Westmeath can help.

Current Supports Available

Mentoring - LEO Westmeath have a panel of expert mentors available to contact business owners to advise on issues such as Finance, HR Management, Crisis Management and more.

Financial Supports - Grant supports are available from LEO Westmeath to small businesses with ten or less employees towards capital, employment, website development, export-related costs and more (eligibility criteria apply ).

Trading Online Voucher - LEO Westmeath can provide small businesses, that are trading a minimum of six months, with grant funding to help develop their website in order to generate online sales. The grant can be used towards costs of developing an e-commerce website, a booking system or app, a digital marketing strategy and more. Maximum grant is 50 percent funding of eligible costs to a max of €2,500.

Lean for Micro - LEO Westmeath clients can avail of consultants to introduce lean concepts and techniques to help boost competitiveness, increase performance and profitability as well as building resilience within their companies. Under this programme, clients can avail of consultancy with a Lean Expert (a qualified practitioner ), who will work with the company to introduce lean principles, undertake a specific cost reduction project and assist the company in benchmarking its performance.

MicroFinance Ireland Business Loans: MFI have announced a COVID 19 Business Loan, to assist micro-enterprises in need of support. There is a six-month interest free and repayment free moratorium on COVID-19 Eligible loans of up to €50,000. Clients who apply for this loan through their local enterprise office can avail of a financial mentor to help complete their application, and a one percent reduction in the interest rate.

To speak to a member of the Local Enterprise Office Westmeath team on our range of supports please call (044 ) 933 8945 or email [email protected] or visit our website localenterprise.ie/Westmeath

The Local Enterprise Office Westmeath is working closely with the Department in relation to Business Continuity strategy and have created a new space called http://www.localenterprise.ie/response for all COVID-19 Business Supports and all official Government updates as they are announced.


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